Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pride in Sophocles Antigone Essay - 983 Words

Pride in Sophocles Antigone Pride is a quality that all people possess in one way or another. Some people take pride in their appearance, worldly possessions, or position in society. The story of Antigone written by Sophocles has two characters who have a tragic flaw of pride. I will show how Creon’s pride of power leads to his destruction, and how Antigone’s pride makes her an honorable character who should be treated as a hero. Creon is a man who has just become the king of Thebes and has a flaw of having too much pride. He can’t control the power of being over other people and he lets the power go to his head. â€Å" I now possess the throne and all its powers. No, he must be left unburied, his corpse carrion for the birds and dogs†¦show more content†¦Creon then shows that he has let the power go to his head by refusing advice of an elder. â€Å"Stop- before you make me choke with anger- the gods! You, you’re senile, must you be insane? To prove his final act of power Creon informs his son that the person who buried Polynices is his fiancà © Antigone and that he will kill her to make an example of his power to all the people under his rule that he would not be disobeyed. Creon’s son Haemon does not want his wife to be to be put to death and pleads with his father. â€Å" I see my father offending justice wrong. That she’ll die but her death will kill another.†(1287) Haemon reveals to the his father that if he continues with killing his wife to be he will flee his presence and kill himself for his love Antigone. In the end Creon realizes that his pride has lead to the destruction of his life and his kingdom. â€Å" I know it myself- I’m shaken, torn. It’s a dreadful thing to yield†¦but resist now? Lay my pride bare to the blows of ruin? That’s dreadful too.† (1296) King Creon realizes to little to late and because of his pride he loses his son, wife, and daughter in law. â€Å"And the guilt is all mine- can never be fixed on another man, no escape for me. I killed them, I, god help me, I admit it all!†(1301) Antigone is an honorable character in this story of love and rebellion. The only thing that she does is disobey an order that is unjust and bury the remains of herShow MoreRelatedPride And Stubbornness In Oedipus Rex And Antigone By Sophocles1111 Words   |  5 Pagesonly crime is pride.† As a writer, Sophocles examined the interactions between truth and ignorance. He wrote plays in which the hero has a tragic flaw, many times that being the lack of wisdom caused by many different character flaws. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Antigone, pride and stubbornness obstruct the senses of Oedipus and Creon in a classic play about seeing the truth. Sophocles delves into the meaning of seeing, in a conventional way, and also in terms of insight. Pride in itself is aRead MoreWomens Role in Macbeth and Antigone Essay1563 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough history, but in plays, novels, short stories, etc, they have been given large enforcing roles, showing the power within women. William Shakespeare and Sophocles use guilt, pride, and influence to demonstrate the importance of the women’s role to support the main characters in both the plays of Macbeth and Antigone. In Macbeth and Antigone the authors created guilt for the women to use against the main characters for their advantage. Macbeth exploits Lady Macbeth to balance Macbeth in the play;Read MoreCreon as Tragic Hero1586 Words   |  7 PagesTragedy at its Finest In the Greek play Antigone, Creon and Antigone can both be claimed the title of Tragic Hero. Creon was made king when Oedipus Rex fled the kingship. Creon is the brother in law of Oedipus, and was giving the kingship only because Oedipus’s sons, Eteocles and Polyneices were killed trying to fight for the thrown. Antigone is Oedipus’s daughter and Creon’s niece. When it comes down to who the tragic hero is, Creon most definitely walks away with the title. A tragic heroRead More The Tragic Hero: Creon or Antigone? Essay1293 Words   |  6 Pages In the Greek tragedy Antigone, the characters Antigone and Creon can both be thought of as the tragic hero of the play. Though Antigone does show some of these characteristics of a tragic hero, Creon demonstrates the attributes more clearly and concisely. Creon is the King of Thebes, as well as the uncle of Antigone. Creon took the throne after a tragic quarrel between his two nephews, Eteocles and Polyneices. Despite his harsh governing and his crude ideals, he is not good or bad. Creon is theRead MoreAntigone by Sophocles1059 Words   |  5 Pages In the book Antigone, Creon and Antigone can be considered as the tragic heroes of the play. Antigone is considered the tragic hero because of the characteristics she shows such as her ambition to defeat Creon, Creon shows more of the characteristics clearly. Creon is the king of Thebes. He is also Antigones uncle. Creon became king after a fight between Eteocles and Polyneices. One may see Creon as a harsh and controlling ruler, but he is not good nor bad because he shows signs of both like whenRead MoreAntigone: Sophocles and Creon839 Words   |  4 PagesCreon and Antigone are both honorable people and yet, both are fatally proud and that is the source of the tragedy. To what extent do you agree? During the time of Ancient Greece, tragic plays were commonly used to deliver a moral message to their audience. Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone† demonstrates the dangers of hubris and the disaster it can cause using the conflict between the two central characters, Antigone and Creon, as the basis of the tragedy. Although they are honourable in their own differentRead MoreA Man Defeated By His Flaws in Sophocles’ play, â€Å"Antigone† 995 Words   |  4 PagesIn Sophocles’ play, â€Å"Antigone† translated by Robert Fitzgerald and Dudley Fitts, Creon believes his laws surpass the laws written by the gods but his real flaw is his belief in masculine superiority and his self-destructive pride. In Greek literature, a tragedy means a sad story in which a hero is defeated because of his flaws and through this the audience will have a better understanding of themselves and the world. King Creon takes the audience thru his journey of ego, stubbornness a nd sufferingRead MoreHeroism In Antigone And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight917 Words   |  4 Pagestheir heroism. In Antigone and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, there are multiple characters that embody the characteristics of a hero. Antigone is a Greek writing that exemplifies what it means to stand for what you believe in as well as having a tragic downfall due to ones own fault. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Middle English work that precisely goes through the Hero’s Journey. The two characters in Antigone that demonstrate their heroism is Antigone and Creon. Both Antigone and Creon showRead MoreTheme Of Antigone 964 Words   |  4 PagesAmer Debis Professor: Kennedy ENC 1102 April 12, 2016 Theme In Antigone Sweeping dramas of rival families and of rival family members seeking control of a kingdom are very popular now. One obvious example is Game of Thrones, which continues to break viewership records and also engender controversy. Such sagas, however, are nothing new. Antigone, a play by Sophocles and the sequel to Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes, provides an ancient Greek perspective on the themes of power, duty, and lawRead MoreEssay on Creon as the Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone997 Words   |  4 PagesCreon as the Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles Antigone?   This question has been the subject of a great debate for numerous years.   Equal arguments exist that portray Antigone as the tragic heroine in the play and Creon as the tragic hero.   Aristotle, in his study of Greek drama entitled Poetics, provided the framework that determines the tragic hero of a work.   Though Antigone definitely possesses the characteristics and qualities that

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Harassment - 1574 Words

OUTLINE THESIS STATEMENT: In today’s society 40 percent of the nation’s 55 million working women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. I.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introduction II.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Types of sexual harassment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Requirements of sexual harassment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Concept of unwelcome conduct nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sexual nature of conduct nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Claims of harassment†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whether or not conduct is unwelcome is a critical concept. Conduct is not welcome when it is unsolicited, when the victim has done nothing to incite it and when the victim views that conduct as undesirable or offensive. Simply because a woman acquiesces ti sexual demands-or participants in a sexual relationship, even for an extended period of time. Conclusions cannot be automatically drawn about whether or not she welcomed that conduct. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Welcomeness is frequently an issue when women have participated in a certain level of joking, teasing, or verbal repartee but feel uncomfortable or offered when the level of such sexually oriented discussion escalates. To be kinds of job-related threats or promises the harasser needs to be in a position of authority over the harassed employee. In this form of sexual harassment the accused is always the immediate supervisor or someone else who has the actual or apparent authority are usually easy to demonstrate. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Damages can include monies associated with last promotion opportunities, missed raises, or in the event of actual or constructive discharge, the full value of wages and benefits lost less an amount the charging party might reasonable have earned had pursed another job opportunity. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The requirement that sexually harassing conduct, whether physical or verbal be of sexual nature is typicallyShow MoreRelatedGender Harassment And Heterosexist Harassment964 Words   |  4 PagesIn the research study â€Å"Two sides of the same coin: Gender harassment and heterosexist harassment in LGBQ work lives†, the researchers, Lilia M. Cortina and Veronica Caridad Rabelo, focused their study on people of the LGBQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer) community in the workplace. Individuals who consider themselves to be a part of the LGBQ community face many hardships in everyday life, and dealing with hate in the workplace is simply one of the many burdens placed upon them. Some are constantlyRead MoreSex Harassment And Sexual Harassment929 Words   |  4 Pagessurfaced in the wake of Anita F. Hill s accusations of sexual harassment in hearings on Clarence Thomas s Supreme Court nomination, the story underscores a picture that is emerging from ext ensive research on such harassment: it has less to do with sex than with power. It is a way to keep women in their place; through harassment men devalue a woman s role in the work place by calling attention to her sexuality. Sexual harassment is a subtle rape, and rape is more about fear than sex, said DrRead MoreSexual Harassment At An Organization Essay1485 Words   |  6 PagesSexual Harassment in an Organization By: Elsie Alex Organizational Behavior Professor Patricia Sokol September 15, 2016 Abstract This essay is based on sexual harassment in the workplace. It gives examples of what sexual harassment is and knowing how to identify sexual harassment in an organization. This essay takes information from different articles describing sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. It gives scenarios and examples of sexual harassment. It alsoRead MoreHarassment And Its Effects On Society926 Words   |  4 PagesHarassment is something we wouldn’t want anyone to go through. Because, it effects all of us we don’t really need to hurt others, we don’t need that if we all mind our own business we might have a better place but some people are sick. Forget about the mentally sick people. The problem is that they know it’s wrong and they still do it because they think that they are in power and it feels good but they don’t know that what goes around comes around. Like Solnit talks about in her article We all haveRead MoreThe Background of Sexual Harassment1799 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE: AN EMPLOYER LIABILITY Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: An Employer Liability Angela Brittain Bus310. Human Resource Management Professor Bucholz March 15, 2007 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: An Employer Liability Sexual harassment in the workplace is among the most offensive and demeaning situations an employee can be subjected to. A recent study concluded that at least 40% of women in the workforce have at one time been the objectRead MoreThe Affect Of Harassment On Adolescents Essay1953 Words   |  8 PagesThe affect of harassment on Adolescents Children in the United States who experience harassment from grades seven through twelve are often affected in their school lives more so than children who have not dealt with harassment. According to Hill and Kearl (2011 pg. 3), harassment has been an unfortunate problem in high schools and middle schools in the United States. Harassment has a broad definition and has different meanings varying from state to state. Harassment for the purpose of this essayRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Military1964 Words   |  8 PagesDeborah-Sullivan-Ford 212 Women in Business organizations Sexual Harassment of Women in the Military; It is a Dirty Secret I would like to bring awareness, give insight about the actual victims, and possibly educate you about sexual harassment of women in the military. Sexual harassment can be connected to sexual assault, beginning in one form and escalating to another level. The definition of sexual harassment is: unwelcome sexual harassment behavior of a sexual nature that is related to one’s job orRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace Essay2278 Words   |  10 PagesDefinition of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment in the workplace can take many different forms and affects both men and women in the workplace. Bill Clinton vs Monica Lewinsky/Paula Jones, Anita Hill v Clarence Thomas are a couple of the most famous sexual harassment cases in the U.S. Both of these cases involved political candidates and their staff, in both cases the public doubted the victim and their careers were forever tarnished due to reporting. However, sexual harassment does not have to beRead MoreGender Harassment And Sexual Harassment Essay1688 Words   |  7 PagesBennett-Alexander Hartman (2015) mentions that sexual harassment is based on gender and does not â€Å"Involve sex, requests for sexual activity, comments, or anything similar† (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2015, p. 423). The non-sex requirement is the reason that the term gender in sexual harassment is discussed meaning whether if the individual is male or female that is filing a sexual harassment claim. Although, Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 mentions that individuals should not be discriminatedRead MoreQuestions On Stalking Vs. Harassment1014 Words   |  5 PagesRandy Vermillya Friday’s 9am Stalking vs. Harassment What’s the difference? What is the difference between Stalking and Harassment? Before finding the difference between the two terms, we need to evaluate their meanings. Though both terms seem to give similar meanings, they have their individual meanings. The term Harassment incases various offensive behaviors of an individual or a group of people towards another person or a group of people. Harassment can be either verbal or physical or could be

Friday, December 13, 2019

Psy-240 Week 2 Assignment Free Essays

Inside the womb we start out as an egg, but one of the first major structures that begin to form is the brain. The brain itself is a complex structure that leaves much to be learned from it. It controls a person’s entire body function and movements whether it be walking, talking, or even going to the bathroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Psy-240 Week 2 Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now What most people do not know is that there are five major structures of the brain. The first of the five is the myelencephalon ( the Medulla). The Myelencephalon (or medulla) is the posterior portion of the brain stem. Not surprisingly then, the medulla is composed largely of tracts carrying signals between the rest of the brain and the body. An interesting part of the myelencephalon from a psychological perspective is the reticular formation. It is a complex network of about 100 tiny nuclei that occupies the central core of the brain stem from the posterior boundary of the myelencephalon to the anterior boundary of the midbrain. It is so named because of its netlike appearance (reticulum means â€Å"little net†). Sometimes the reticular formation is referred to as the reticular activating system because parts of it seem to play a role in arousal. The various nuclei of the reticular formation are involved in a variety of functions, however — including sleep, attention (definitely important for language), movement, the maintenance of muscle tone, and various cardiac, circulatory, and respiratory reflexes. Accordingly, referring to this collection of nuclei as a system can be misleading. Generally, the myelencephalon does not play an important role in language production or comprehension. The second major structure is known as the metencephalon. The Metencephalon houses many ascending and descending tracts and part of the reticular formation. These structures create a bulge, called the pons, on the brain stem’s ventral surface. The pons (â€Å"bridge† in Latin) is the bridge to the cerebellum. It has many millions of neural fibers which cross the base of the brain stem, connecting to locations in the cerebellum. The cerebellum (meaning â€Å"little brain†) is the large, convoluted structure on the brain stem’s dorsal surface. The cerebellum is an extraordinarily complex structure which though smaller than the cerebral cortex probably has even more neurons. It has long been believed to function primarily for motor coordination, but recent studies indicate that it also is an important sensorimotor structure. Cerebellar damage eliminates the ability to precisely control one’s movements to adapt them to changing conditions. Although the metencephalon surely plays a role in the precise movements of the tongue and lips required for language production, it is generally an unimportant structure with regard to the study of language and the brain. The third major structure inside the brain is the mesencephalon. The Mesencephalon has two divisions- the tectum and the tegmentum. The tectum (â€Å"roof†) is the dorsal surface of the midbrain. In mammals, the tectum is composed of two pairs of bumps, the colliculi (â€Å"little hills†). The posterior pair called the inferior colliculi, have an auditory function; the anterior pair, called the superior colliculi, have a visual function. The tegementum is the division of the mesencephalon ventral to the tectum. In addition to the reticular formation and tracts of passage, the tegmentum contains three colorful structures- the periaqueductal gray, the substantia nigra, and the red nucleus. The periaqueductal gray is the gray matter situated around the cerebral aqueduct, the duct connecting the third and fourth ventricles. The periacqueductal gray plays role in mediating the analgesic effects of opiate drugs. The substantia nigra (â€Å"black substance† and the red nucleus are both important components of the sensorimotor system. The mesencephalon is generally an unimportant structure in the study language and the brain. The fourth structure is named the deincephalon. The Diencephalon is composed of two structures: the thalamus and the hypothalamus. The thalamus is the large, two-lobed structure that constitutes the top of the brain stem. One lobe sits on each side of the third ventricle, and the two lobes are joined by the massa intermedia, which runs through the ventricle. Visible on the surface of the thalamus are white lamina (layers) that are composed of myelinated axons. The thalamus comprises many different pairs of nuclei, most of which project to the cortex. Some are sensory relay nuclei — nuclei that receive signals from sensory receptors, process them, and then transmit them to the appropriate areas of sensory cortex. For example, the lateral geniculate nuclei, the medial geniculate nuclei, and the ventral posterior nuclei are important relay stations in the visual, auditory, and omatosensory systems, respectively. The thalamus seems to be a relay for sensory input as well as an important part of other pathways, including motor and sensory pathways and those between different parts of the cortex and the cerebellum and other subcortical structures. The thalamus and the cortex are profusely interconnected by reciprocal connections, which play an important role in the generation of rhythmic patterns in the brain and in attention, and may a lso be involved in top-down effects in perception. By virtue of bidirectional connections between the thalamus and every region of the cortex, these rhythmic patterns sweep regularly and rapidly through the cortex. They, therefore, provide a possible source for the rapid pacemaker hypothesized for high-speed inner sequencing. The rate of speed of these thalamocortical rhythms ranges from twenty to eighty Hz (Hertz: cycles per second) in the waking state and as slow as from four Hz to less than one Hz in deep sleep. The hypothalamus (Greek hypo-, cognate to Latin sub- â€Å"under†) lies under the thalamus. It plays an important role in the regulation of several motivated behaviors. It exerts its effects in part by regulating the release of hormones from the pituitary gland, which dangles from it on the ventral surface of the brain. Two other structures appear on the inferior surface of the hypothalamus — the optic chiasm and the mammilary bodies. The optic chiasm is the point at which the optic nerves from each eye come together. The mammillary bodies are a pair of spherical hypothalamic nuclei located on the inferior surface of the hypothalamus, just behind the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus apparently does not play much of a role in language. The fifth and final structure is the telencephalon. The Telencephalon (the cerebral hemispheres) is the largest of the divisions of the human brain, and it is what subserves language — at least the aspects of language which are of interest to linguistics and most other people. In fact, the same can be said of the just the cerebral cortex, only one of the four parts of the telencephalon according to the traditional division given previously. Of the subcortical and interior portions of the telencephalon, the basal ganglia, which partially surround the diencephalon, participate in motor functions, including articulation of speech, and the hippocampus and the amygdaloid nucleus, which lie deep within the lower part of the cortex, are very important in emotional expression. As stated previously, the brain is a complex structure. It also performs many functions for the human body such as walking, talking, running and even writing. How to cite Psy-240 Week 2 Assignment, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

About the questionnaire on social studies homosexuality free essay sample

I have chosen the above topic because I want to xamine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. I am seeking your assistance in the completion of the questionnaire. Your name was randomly selected from the complete list of all the students in the fifth year at the school. Do not place your name on the questionnaire. Please answer all the questions honestly and truthfully. Remember this is not a test there is no right and wrong answers. When completed, place the questionnaire in the self addressed envelope and return it to the Secretary Treasurers office within two weeks from the date given. All information will be strictly confidential and will be used only for the stated purpose. The study has many limitations and will not provide a comprehensive guide to all the answers sought, because it involves just a very small population of the youth in Barbados. This study will however provide some valuable insights into the issue of homosexuality and how a small percentage of the youth feel about this much debated topic. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM What is the attitude of the youth towards homosexuality in Barbados? RATIONALE I hate chosen this topic because I wish to determine whether homosexuality among the youth is widespread in Barbados and if so what the attitude to the youth towards it is. This research should provide valuable information for policy makers who can them make informed decisions based on some factual insights. This study could also form the base for a more comprehensive study on this issue. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION Information will be gained through a literature review from local newspapers. In addition to this a questionnaire will be distributed among a sample of students from the Christ Church Foundation School. My reason for choosing this method of investigation is to determine how the local population feel about the issues through an analysis from the daily nation and the sample of Christ Church Foundation Students because they are accessible and it is also an inexpensive method of gaining the information OBJECTIVES By the end of this research I want to examine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. INSTRUMENT USED TO COLLECT DATA LETTER TO STUDENTS Dear Fellow Student THE ATTITUDE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARDS HOMOSEXUALITY AMONG THE YOUTH IN BARBADOS This survey is part of the requirement for the School Based Assessment in Social Studies. I have chosen the above topic because I want to examine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. I am seeking your assistance in the completion of the questionnaire. Your name was randomly selected from the complete list of all the students in the fifth year at the school. Do not place your name on the questionnaire. Please answer all the questions honestly and truthfully. Remember this is not a test there is no right and wrong answers. When completed, place the questionnaire in the self addressed envelope and return it to the Secretary Treasurer’s office within two weeks from the date given. All information will be strictly confidential and will be used only for the stated purpose. Thank you for kind participation.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Daedalus Myth And Portrait Of The Artist Essays - Greek Mythology

Daedalus Myth And Portrait Of The Artist James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a novel of complex themes developed through frequent allusions to classical mythology. The myth of Daedalus and Icarus serves as a structuring element in the novel, uniting the central themes of individual rebellion and discovery, producing a work of literature that illuminates the motivations of an artist, and the development of his individual philosophy. James Joyce chose the name Stephen Dedalus to link his hero with the mythical Greek hero, Daedalus. In Greek myth, Daedalus was an architect, inventor, and artisan. By request of King Minos, Daedalus built a labyrinth on Crete to contain a monster called the Minotaur, half bull and half man. Later, for displeasing the king, Daedalus and his son Icarus were both confined in this labyrinth, which was so complex that even its creator could not find his way out. Instead, Daedalus fashioned wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could escape. When Icarus flew too high -- too near the sun -- in spite of his father's warnings, his wings melted, and he fell into the sea and drowned. His more cautious father flew to safety (World Book 3). By using this myth in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Portrait of the Artist), Joyce succeeds in giving definitive treatment to an archetype that was well established long before the twentieth century (Beebe 163). The Daedalus myth gives a basic structure to Portrait of the Artist. From the beginning, Stephen, like most young people, is caught in a maze, just as his namesake Daedalus was. The schools are a maze of corridors; Dublin is a maze of streets. Stephen's mind itself is a convoluted maze filled with dead ends and circular reasoning (Hackett 203): Met her today point blank in Grafton Street. The crowd brought us together. We both stopped. She asked me why I never came, said she had heard all sorts of stories about me. This was only to gain time. Asked me, was I writing poems? About whom? I asked her. This confused her more and I felt sorry and mean. Turned off that valve at once and opened the spiritual-heroic refrigerating apparatus, invented and patented in all countries by Dante Alighieri. (Joyce 246) Life poses riddles at every turn. Stephen roams the labyrinth searching his mind for answers (Gorman 204). The only way out seems to be to soar above the narrow confines of the prison, as did Daedalus and his son. In Portrait of the Artist, the world presses on Stephen. His own thoughts are melancholy, his proud spirit cannot tolerate the painful burden of reality. In the end, he must rise above it (Farrell 206). At first, Stephen does not understand the significance of his unusual name. He comes to realize, by the fourth chapter, that like Daedalus he is caught in a maze: Every part of his day, divided by what he regarded now as the duties of his station in life, circled about its own centre of spiritual energy. His life seemed to have drawn near to eternity; every thought, word and deed, every instance of consciousness could be made to revibrate radiantly in heaven... (Joyce 142) Throughout the novel, Joyce freely exploits the symbolism of the name (Kenner 231). If he wants to be free, Daedalus must fly high above the obstacles in his path. Like the father Daedalus and the son Icarus, Stephen seeks a way out of his restraints. In Stephen's case, these are family, country and religion. In a sense, Portrait of the Artist is a search for identity; Stephen searches for the meaning of his strange name (Litz 70). Like Daedalus, he will fashion his own wings -- of poetry, not of wax -- as a creative artist. But at times Stephen feels like Icarus, the son who, if he does not heed his father's advice, may die for his stubborn pride (Litz 71). At the end of Portrait of the Artist, he seems to be calling on a substitute, spiritual parent for support, when he refers to Daedalus as "old father, old artificer."(Joyce 247),(Ellman 16). Even at Stephen's moment of highest decision, he thinks of himself as a direct descendant of his namesake Daedalus (Litz 71). Stephen's past is important only because it serves as the fuel of the present. Everything that Stephen does in his present life feeds off the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, making him what he is (Peake

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Paper Products Corporation Essays - Marketing, Office Equipment

Paper Products Corporation Essays - Marketing, Office Equipment Paper Products Corporation Mary Miller is the marketing manager for Paper Products Corporation and she has to decide whether she should allow her largest customer to buy some of Paper Products? file folders and market them under their own name (Natcom Inc.) rather than the FILEX brand used by Paper Products. Mary is afraid that if she doesn?t accept the offer, the customer will find another file folder producer. Mary really only has two options; accept the offer from Natcom or refuse the offer from Natcom. There is a certain degree of risk involved with either option and she needs to decide which option is the safest for Paper Products Corporation. If Paper Products refuses the offer they are putting themselves in a position to possibly lose 30 percent of their business, approximately 12 million dollars per year. Even if Natcom continued purchasing their other supplies from Paper Products, and only quit purchasing file folders, the business would lose approximately 4.2 million dollars per year. If Mary decided to take the offer from Natcom, and allow them to sell Paper Products? file folders with their name, she would be going against company policy and it would not be easy to change this policy. It would be very easy for Paper Products to accommodateNatcom?s offer because they have excess capacity. If they turn down the business, Natcom could go to another producer and cut into Paper Products? sales at Natcom stores. Another benefit of this offer is that Paper Products would not have to spend any marketing dollars to acquire this new business. Natcom came to them with this offer and it did not cost Mary Miller, or Paper Products anything. According to the marketing concept, Mary should accept the offer from Natcom. As marketing manager, Mary should identify what the customer needs, and make Paper Products Inc. the best company at satisfying those needs for a profit. In this case the customer is Natcom and they obviously need to market a line of file folders with their name attached. This need should be clear to Mary because her customer has now approached her three times with this request. Mary will need her expert marketing skills when she tries to sell this idea to Bob Butcher, Paper Products president. Mr. Butcher is primarily interested in the development of new products but he will most likely be interested in this proposal since it deals with his companies? biggest customer. There will have to be a policy change for Paper Products Inc. concerning the corporate policy of refusing dealer-branding requests. Paper Products implemented this policy because they wanted the success of their products to depend on the quality rather than just a low price, but only 40 percent of their file folder products are in a specialized line while the other 60 percent are relatively homogeneous shopping products. The success of the homogeneous file folders will be very dependent on the price rather than the quality, therefore this policy depending on quality rather than low price needs to be revised. Mary should also approach Mr. Butcher about using some more of the company?s available money for the promotion of their existing brands. Paper Products needs to pull some of their money out of new-product development and attempt to achieve some market penetration. Although 60 percent of the current market does sound appealing, they may be able to grab some of the remaining 40 percent with some good promotions and market penetration.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answer the following questions about history (HIST 4028) Essay

Answer the following questions about history (HIST 4028) - Essay Example Mills remonstrates in his essay from a non-paternalistic point of view where he identifies three basic areas of human liberty. He claims that an individual should not be deterred from pursuits meant for self gratification as long as they do not pose any harm to others. The only instance that a person can be denied their liberties is when they pose a risk or harm to other persons. He sums this up when he describes this as every individual’s right to exercise his or her inward domain of consciousness (Winks & Neuberger 51). The other area, which Mills identifies, is a person’s right to decide on the path, in life, they wish to take, which is represented as the liberty of tastes and pursuits. In this, he tries to show how humans are a dynamic entity that is capable of forging its own destiny individually without having to rely on guidelines from other people. The notion being forwarded by Mill’s three basic principles of human liberty are focused on individuality. I ndividuality is the key tenent in human nature that determines the influence and the impact that people have on others and the world. Individuality determines whether a person’s liberties are construed as dangerous to society because that person’s nature is expressed by how he utilizes his rights of liberty (Winker & Neuberger 59). History played a critical role on the development of philosophies and principles that he used to write his essay. Mills argued that there was a need for a scientific perspective and approach towards history in order for it to be used effectively utilized in society. Mills termed history as a progressive record in the course of events that contribute to the development of mankind. There were some scholars of his time who did not see the sense in his views, and some went ahead and disputed his postulates about the importance of history. This saw Mills go through a depressing time in his life and a change in his views on some subjects that he h ad earlier agreed upon. His depression created a period in his life where he was able to reflect on a wide range of ideas. His conviction on the importance of history in the study of other disciplines, in the humanities, grew stronger during this period. Mills focused his attention on French history, which he deemed more appropriate because most French thinkers at the time seemed to share in his schools of thought. Mills believed that historical events had a significant bearing on the development of society in the present. He also postulated that these events also had a substantial bearing to future events if inferences could be made on the past with regard to the future. Mills was able to study history through a scientific mindset and analyze historical facts. Mills forwarded the notion that historical facts can be used to unveil the law of progress which can enable people predict the future. There were some significant influences in his life that contributed to his notions about t he role history had to play in relation with other disciplines. One of the influences came from his interaction with French scholars and their written works concerning a wide range of subjects some, which intrigued him because of their philosophies regarding history’s role. Mills involvement in the The London Debating Society gave him the opportunity to make acquaintance of people like Samuel Coleridge (Winker & Neuberger 184). Coleridge’s philosophies regarding history complemented Mill’